BLOCKPARTY: Sketchnoting - SHiFT - SHiFT

BLOCKPARTY: Sketchnoting

Have you ever leaned over to copy someone’s notes and just marveled at how they blended images and text together? Did you wish yours looked that creative? Well, it’s much easier than you think to engage both parts of your brain while taking notes. 

Join us as Professor Verena Paepcke-Hjeltnes demonstrates Sketchnoting, the powerful combination of using both words and visuals to customize note-taking that fits your style of learning.

Check out other previous events:

SHiFT Camp: Mishmash


Let’s celebrate the incredible diversity of cultures that define and inspire humanity. Society evolves as ever-changing cultures are shared and learned. We enjoy them, we work in them, we travel through them, and we outgrow them. The ability to connect and embrace dozens of different cultures will allow you to be adaptable and stay relevant…. Read More…

SHiFT CAMP - Control + Retreat

Control + Retreat: Alabama


The first SHiFT event back in 2013. The magic reset. All you have to do is hold down SHIFT/CONTROL/DELETE to start it all over. But you can’t really delete all that has happened in your life. You can’t just put everything on hold forever. But you can take some time to step away and reevaluate… Read More…

SHiFT LAB - Disruptive Collaboration

Disruptive Collaboration


Working with the MBA program from Otterbein University, Aether presented a 2-day LAB – Disruptive Collaboration: a primer on lean research and strategy. The intent was to help the MBA students understand the value design has across the organization and provide them with tools for disruptive collaboration. Starting with Aether’s Pre-search™ tool, participants examined how… Read More…